Reach workforce wellness through cultural experiences

76% of visitors attend cultural institutions to “feel less stressed”

69% of visitors attend cultural institutions and experiences to feel inspired

Employees are people too, they want to connect with others and have a good time
Your company's ROI from investing in ANI
Attract & retain talent with unique benefits
Increase productivity via enhanced creativity

Save time & money with built-in engagement
Promote employer brand via cultural connectivity
Support your employees' exposure to the top cultural institutions in the city.

ANI’s Benefits Reflect Employee Priorities
In a world where ~70% of employees believe non-compensation benefits are just as important as health care coverage, indicating that a wider array of benefits increases loyalty to employers, we know ANI's unique cultural access benefits will be a great addition to your employee package.
We’re Optimized For Ease
Joining ANI requires no backend or systems integrations, and we work with your Human Resources and People teams to continuously socialize and engage your employees to drive awareness and enagement.